Unlocking the Potential of Cassiar Gold: An In-Depth Conversation with Marco Roque

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Shout out to Three Taverns Brewery for letting us film in their space. https://www.threetavernsbrewery.com/imaginarium For more information on Cassiar Gold, please visit: https://cassiargold.com/ TSXV: GLDC OTC: CGLCF Listen to us on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/natural-resource-stocks/id1689449174 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0BJGmP8oztWBdsquqeELLh Join us for an engaging discussion with Marco Roque, CEO of Cassiar Gold, as he details the promising future of their gold mining projects. Discover the unique advantages of Cassiar Gold, including their strategic infrastructure and extensive exploration assets in British Columbia. Learn why this junior mining company is poised for significant growth, the potential for rapid permitting, and the compelling reasons behind their goal of increasing their resource to 5 million ounces. Marco also shares insights on the current state of the junior gold sector, the importance of political changes, and his extensive background in capital markets. Don’t miss this informative session offering a comprehensive overview of Cassiar Gold’s operations and investment potential. 00:00 Introduction and Greetings 00:05 Discussing the U.S. Market for Junior Gold Mining Stocks 01:06 Why Invest in Cassiar Gold? 01:51 Cassiar Gold’s Unique Advantages 03:06 Growth Targets and Future Plans 06:28 Infrastructure and Permits 11:04 Share Structure and Insider Ownership 14:25 Challenges and Market Sentiment 17:56 CEO’s Background and Experience 21:35 How to Invest in Cassiar Gold 22:56 Conclusion and Final Thoughts


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