have you heard of Vox royalty company I have I was actually on a conference call with them um recently but go ahead yeah
so I met them out in Beaver Creek uh with John um couple years ago and just
love the management team I think they’re super smart super energized but they’re very disciplined with how they deal uh
they’re young which I think that’s where their energy comes from if that yeah that’s important I’ve been in and out of
them since I don’t know maybe they were under a dollar I can’t remember how it
was maybe under 50 cents like we John found him really early on and we’ve had a lot of
[Music] successful Kevin how are you I’m good
thanks for having me thanks for coming on uh we have a similar friend John
Finnick and you’ve done some work for him is that correct yep couple years ago
um that’s actually how I came across the site um I Heard John on a financial podcast and uh we started trading emails
and then it turned into phone calls and texts and uh helped them a little bit uh with fet Consulting back when you start
now um and he’s the one who actually introduced me to the site okay what was the site uh it’s stockta.com got it and
tell me a little bit about the background and what got you involved into that yeah um I’ve been trading
stocks ever since Middle School uh my grandmother was super into it I’ve always found it very interesting um
traded you know throughout College helped pay for college pay off my school loans
uh had a couple Financial licenses I let them lapse um but always um always
traded kind of on the side um as a hobby and extra in come and uh you know got
introduced to John and started helping him a little bit and started learning
more about his process and a technical analysis guy asked him like hey what’s
what’s your goto and he showed me this site and uh site was founded back in
1999 so I’m definitely not the original owner uh the original owner spent a ton of time coding it there’s a 161 million
lines of code uh we cover something crazy like 192,000
different stocks all over the world uh different exchanges we have 25,000 users
all over the world um it’s totally free and we’re uh looking it to grow our user
base um and I got to know the owner I tried to buy it from a couple years ago
um he wasn’t ready to sell and then uh actually had hip surgery in January I was on bed rest for a month and I was
bored and uh reached back out to him and he had shut the site down I didn’t have
time had some server issues and uh I found some tech guys uh Tristan and Wade
who have done enormous leg work to help me uh reformat the site uh we went back
through with some more modern-day Ai and reformatted recoded redid the layout um
and back tested and everything came out really well and uh we relaunched um
about a month ago uh so far so good and you know I’ve been using the site now
for five years and it’s really helped uh my own trading and when trading got
worse when it went down so I’m like I got to figure out a way to buy this and get it back up because it’s I can’t I
can’t trade without it now yeah I want to dive a little bit into that just briefly um before we get into the charts
tell me you told me a story offline about how um you you shut things down a
month ago except for you were making trades through your site and you made a bunch of money off of that just I mean I
don’t want to speak for you but tell me tell me about that story yeah uh so we had a baby boy back in May and uh
congratulations thank you and uh my wife and I you know took some time off from work and um we we’re from the Northeast
so we traveled back up to the Northeast for uh for all of June and part of July and we were just kind of hanging out and
I was like I’ll take a break from trade and we bring my laptop you know but good luck on that yeah found some opportunity
you know couldn’t totally get away from it so I was like you know what I’m just going to try trading the site and
nothing else and um actually I’m looking at my stats now so I won 82% of my
trades my worst loss was uh minus 0.64 my biggest gain was 31% and um you know
obviously a little different Market in July there was some Tail wins so definitely some luck involved but uh the
site really helped me you know find the right ENT points and stay patient and then you know
teach not I’d say more helped you know I’ve been doing it for a while but it
helps me visualize where to put my stops um you know it’s just straight math there’s no narrative so it’s just an
algorithm that I think does a really good job of cutting through the noise and you know I think humans do a
terrible job you know competing against algorithms and that’s what a lot of the trading is now so I think you know the
average guys at a real big disadvantage um trading against these bigger funds
these bigger institutions that have a lot of technology behind them and that’s kind of why I tried to bring this back
and why I’m trying to grow the user base because I think the average uh Trader would really benefit from using this
excellent Let’s uh look at some uh my listeners are going to be interested natural resource stocks so let’s pull up
some charts what you like and uh as we pull up those charts as you pull them up let’s talk about your methodology and
what you’re looking for yeah can you see my screen I sure can okay um so part of
how I trade um just My overall kind of macro
is uh I look a lot at what the the Dixie
is doing uh dxy I look a lot at what the vix is doing what the move index is
doing and then really simple way I found this year is uh what oil is doing um so
oil for the most part been range bound from 6570 up to 90 uh the way the peran
operates they can’t make money under 65s uh the US government’s already tipped their hand saying they’re they’re
refilling the spr at 70 so I don’t know if I would do that trade
right now but in the past I’ve looked at it when oil’s been in that 6570 range I’ve bought some energy and gone along
with that but then I’ve also gone long um you know Tech and other growth plays when oil’s low and then when oil’s got
up around that 90 mark it seemed to kind of be a headwind for the market so then I’ve sold you know some of the growth
plays and that’s what I’ve rotated in the miners a little bit um I really like
the royalty place um I just think their business model is tough to beat I mean their their GNA is
so low their overhead is so low I mean there’s some really good producer
companies out there but all their Asic have been getting squeezed uh with just inflation and you know royalty companies
fed a little bit but their margins are still so high they’re they to absorb those costs so I mean um Al wpm which is
wheat and pre precious metals right now yeah so we have a track bullish overall
trend shortterm it might consolidate is what neutral means um but these numbers
on the left so this is resistant so a 60 62.2 so this is Confluence um and what
we measure map we use a bunch of different indicators and without giving away our
secret sauce it kind of spits it into the machine and it comes out with price points and numbers so a Confluence of
two is really low so could have a chance to break out um and if it pulled back it
has a really you know decent size support of uh a confence a 10 which we
classify as a medium at 58.3 one it has more support at 56.4 6 so this pull back
you know say something crazy happens with the market it would you know you
know you never know you have a limit down day something crazy happens none of the technical analysis is going to work
but within a normal price move I think this would have a really hard time breaking below 56 in the short term so
yeah I have some questions about all of this to be on fluids what is that
uh Confluence is just where things meet so we measure and map um all these
different analysis here so we do EMA macd RSI yeah
bunch of different things and the Machine basically does all the calculations for us and it spits out
like how many things intersect at that price point so the more things intersect you know the stronger the
Confluence which would be stronger support or resistance got it and I’ve seen numbers as high as
50 um I can’t think off top of my head but so the higher the Confluence the
stronger the signal is basically how our algorithm Works got it and uh and again some of these questions I know and some
of them I don’t know um but it just wanted to be for all of our listeners out there so uh ween showing a
Confluence of two so that’s very low so you don’t like this stock right here
going long correct no no I do like it so the resistance confence of two is very
low so that has a good chance to break through that and break out there’s no
immediate term resistance now this we we measure and map all the data throughout
the day when the market closes we wait let the dust settle we pull the data at
five it calculates for about 20 minutes depending on how much volatility and then it runs the 161 million PLS of code
and it spits out these numbers around 530 okay time out when I talked to you yesterday over the
show and you said Andy let’s do it late at night this is walking so yep to all
of our viewers it’s 8 o’clock at night uh Wednesday night on what’s today the
21st August 21st and that’s why Kevin would not meet with me during the day
he’s like can we do it at night because you Wen you were you were I guess
getting all the data correct yeah so I mean we measured the whole every price we
with throughout the day but we’re big like the open and the close are the main like our biggest you know most important
data inputs um but we measure any movement throughout the day like every good Trader yep yeah and what we found
was we actually we looking to do this in day and have it like constantly update but what we found is that a lot of the
price move not a lot but there’s a decent amount of price movement during the day that can be fake outs and other
algorithms that we could potentially be trading against they’re really good like this at knowing where stops are so they
will run people’s stops get them out of a stock and then run it up so if you’ve seen like I call the first half hour of
the trading day kind of the the kitty pool because it can be crazy price movement in the first half hour things
get manipulated and then next thing you know the afternoon you know they can manipulate a stock down in the morning
and next thing know in the afternoon it’s off and running and you got stopped out at 10 o00 yeah yes that happens a
lot actually y yeah so we were kind of mindful of that when we’re redoing this and we’re like you know what like we’re
better off keeping it with the you know how we had it set up before um and just
trying to make sure that you know we can try to give a true of value as possible to all the different price points got it
okay so this is showing a confence of two at 6220 so that means it’s a very
low resistance mean very high likely Ood that that’s going to break and just for
all the listeners this is not a recommendation but this is a Wheaten is that what we’re looking at yep yep it’s
wpm wpm is wheat and precious metals that is the ticker well the ticker wpm
so great cool so this is a uh this would be a trade that you would look and this is just again this is uh all the data
came out today in August 21st this would be something that you’d be interested in trading yeah I already owned some I
actually bought some in the mid 50s when I saw the support levels um and the data
was a little different back then I believe I got in around 54 55 and support was a 15 for the Confluence uh
so is that a high number um yeah that’s getting up there um but again it’s all
it’s all kind of relative I mean for bigger stocks you know that’s not a as huge a number um some of the micro caps
you can see like you know some higher numbers but to go from a penny to to
four cents is a huge move you know right percentage wise got it okay great should
let’s uh look at another company another chart yeah so um I like uh oysco gold royalties a lot too uh do I I own them
um I’ve been in out of them for years um so bullish Trend overall um I bought
into this um right around here uh so you know 18.2 C full it’s a four that’s
still pretty low um you know still a good chance of breaking through that and then just
18.55 Confluence a one that’s not very strong resistance but then you look at you know 17.2 14’s you know medium to
high 16. 73 is a medium uh a 10 so and
then you look down below you got another 16 with an eight so I mean I know 18 to
16 is still a big price difference but it has some pretty strong support and
what I like to see is I like to see confluences with some bigger numbers as
it goes up because the smaller these numbers are as it goes up the more the charts getting stretched and the more
overbought it is got it okay got it so if you see a stock and it’s got twos all the way down the side and there’s no
higher number like that’s ripe for a pullback and I have friends who trade I
I I know people work in finance full-time who’ve used this and they’re like they love seeing charts that have
twos up the sides because they’re just waiting for that reversal and then they short it right it back down short the heck out of it excellent this is a great
tool man it’s super helpful yeah I’m already F in love I mean like I said
I’ve been using it for five years and if it didn’t work I want to put my own money into it like I’m funding the site
now to keep it running uh through my trading um and I mean I have a three-month-old at home and I have a lot
of things going on that I could be doing besides putting time into this and sure
it’s definitely in my opinion worth it sure but let’s look at another chart what else do you got for us yeah um have
you heard of Vox royalty company I have I was actually on a conference call with them um recently but go ahead yeah so I
met them out in Beaver Creek uh with John um couple years ago and just love
the management team I think they’re super smart super energized but they’re very disciplined with how they deals uh
they’re young which I think that’s where their energy comes from if that yeah that’s important to I’ve been in and out
of them since I don’t know maybe they were under a dollar I can’t remember how
it was maybe under 50 cents like we John found him really early on and we’ve had
a lot of success with them I don’t I don’t own any now but um it’s I think
it’s a really well-run company um I was looking at this last night let me find my notes um so yesterday the stock
closed at 273 and the only major resistance was 273 and I believe it was a confence of 15 and if you look where
it closed today 268 so it failed at resistance and now um he got a 272 for a
Confluence 13 resistance so it’s still
um I mean it could break through tomorrow but I think it would need some help and yeah there’s no support till
255 at least today now tomorrow it could the bottom you know and they’ll recalculate and it’ll come up with a
different but I mean Seven’s still a pretty good number so this might be range Bound for a little bit but I think
they have a great business model you know longer term yeah and for our listeners I love a stock like this
because you can play several different ways and you said if it’s range bound you could trade it in and out between
the rages I have done that not specifically to this stock but I’ve done it to many other stocks uh all the time
that’s number one number two is let’s say if you do love the stock and I I’m a big f um again not advice but I’m a big fan
and let’s say something happens and you’re just wrong and take off your trading hat put on
your investor hat this would be a stock that I’d want to hold again you don’t want to do that if you’re trading
because then you’re gonna be holding a lot of stock yeah but but what I want what I am saying is like a stock like
this I would have no problem just holding for the long term so yeah and royalty plays are usually safer I mean
very safe yep I I think the biggest risk for them is somebody buying them out and I don’t think they would give away the
company cheap but I think you know yeah no that’s a great point I think their research is good I think what they’ve
done is so well you know they’ve executed really well they have some developmental projects that have a onot of upside so I mean I think you know one
of the major royalty companies you know if they were smart they would have scooped them up a long time ago yeah in
fact that’s that’s a great Point probably the biggest I see the biggest down side to royalty companies is that I
don’t want to say you have a limited upside but your upside is um because they’re safer and because
like a company like this will more than likely be bought out you certainly could get a 10 bagger or 20 bagger but it’s
just not going to be typical if you would with the royalty company in my mind well you’re probably looking more at 5xs which is still great which is
great money yeah exactly so I think part of this like
part of why I’m dealing with this is I’m so sick of seeing on social media just like like the YOLO options just people
just I think their relationship and how they view wealth is just so unhealthy and you know they’re trying to hit home
runs and they’re striking out a lot and they’re blowing up their accounts and you see people like ruining their life
savings and they’re they’re they don’t have a process they’re uninformed and
they’re competing against an algorithm from a bigger fun that it’s a rig game
and you know I’ve been doing this for a while and you know it’d be great if I could you know hit home runs every day
but I’m just I’m looking to hit singles and doubles and the way I look at it is you know not how much I can make it’s
how much I can lose and if I can just consistently hit singles and doubles I looked up last night I made some trades
today but my my uh I won 72% of my trade so far this year yeah it’s phenomenal so
you know the way I look at it is if I can keep getting wins my account will keep growing and then my bets even
though you know if I spread my risk out my bets get bigger and I can keep spinning that rouet roulette wheel and I
stay in the game people keep blowing up their accounts like it’s really hard to start from zero and build back up yep
yep yeah I’ve done I’ve made those mistakes all right what else do you got
uh so I figured I’d show GDX I mean I miss this this is definitely broken out
I mean there’s no resistance right now yeah there’s some support medium level support at 37 support at 36 heavier
support at 30 almost 35 so I mean it’s off and running the RS side is at 67 so
it’s not too overbought but you know I I use this to try to try not to chase
stuff like I try to get in stocks before you know and there’s plenty of stocks too
but this is a good indicator I think we’re the overall Market’s going or it could be a good indicator but then you just find out what happens again this is
for listeners is you get a big breakout and let’s say a bell weather this and we’ll say that’s GDX and this and then
you really do some research I’m like what other where’s the money going to flow to next right so that’s really what
you’d be doing but yeah go ahead K I mean I I like trading ETFs uh I I think
it diversifies your risk but if I find you know I’ll run screens and and stuff
through here but if I find an ETF that’s looks like it’s about to break out one of my kind of favorite things to do is
then I figure out what are the top Holdings within that ETF and then if I really want to double down so if GDX the
largest holding you know probably new baric egn ego if I really like those
then I pull up those charts and I see what they’re doing and for the most part they’re usually following the price and
GDX so if I want to cherry pick like some of the better run companies through
an ETF then I load up on those twoo yep yep got it that’s a great strategy all
right what else you got uh uh am figured I’d show that it’s I me
yeah um same thing as GDX already broke out starting to get a little stretched like you see I was gon to say it was
starting to look stretch there right Y and that’s why we left the charts like this like we could have updated them but
I think it does a really good job visualizing like that that solid green bar through that would be this 10
support right here um so I just I think it’s very it can look busy but I think
it’s very simple to understand like oh that that’s a little stretched the RSI is over 72 like maybe I don’t chase this
here yeah and this is one of my all-time favorite companies I mean the first Mining stock I ever bought was Kirkland
lake and I got into it before it was Kirkland lake and that like went
ballistic on me I didn’t know anything about the mining sector I ran a screen looked at their earnings I’m like holy
smokes this thing’s a cash cow and then next day I know it’s you know I got in a
short money and next thing you know it’s 30 40 bucks and Ed NCO Eagle buys it and I’ve been kind of sucked into the sector
ever since that’s awesome excellent all right any other uh any other charts B um
if you want to look at some oil stuff yeah let’s look at some energy energ heard Viper never heard Viper nope I’m
not I did really well with them coming out of covid um I never heard I found
them um they they’re royalty play um they own some land they own some lease
rights um and when oil’s doing well I mean if you look at this shark like it has a lot of torque um to
yeah so I mean this this was like in the tens before covid maybe 15 20 like it it
ripped like it was I didn’t know anything about them never heard of them and somehow stumbled on them and that
was one of my best stocks and it was either 2020 or 2021 like it was so I
really like them I mean I don’t love the energy setup right now but you know if it were to pull back to the 39 level 40
level 38 like depending on the greater you know macro conditions and what’s going in the Middle East like that could
be a good point to maybe jump back in and get ready for the next leg up yeah
got it uh um pull up copper
just go over it not a great looking charot right now neutral setup but what’s really interesting is closed at
43.5 heavy support at 43.0 n wow look at that so who knows where this goes I mean
if it starts to break to the upside has very little resistance like these are small numbers it could right through a
couple of these in a day maybe two but it breaks this I don’t know if I would
touch anything copper related in the short term yeah well it might be worth the nibble though around 43 and it 43
you know yeah I mean that’s that’s one strategy I mean I’ve done that before
like if I like something and it pulls back to a big support level and I like I’ll watch it and like hey that held
then yeah that could be a good point to go long uh um but with how China is right now and you know people whisper in
recession on CNBC you know every other segment you know backer copper scary
yeah yeah I think people are a little you know a little scared of copper right now yeah I agree um and then I pulled up
Ur hold on about that about copper you don’t have to pick a bot so that’s the
thing is you can again we I said at nibble
potentially but I probably wouldn’t just because of everything we just talked about in fact I don’t want to say I
probably I won’t nibble um I need other things before I start nibbling that
being said I just have to remind myself you want to get The Sweet Spot somewhat in the middle if you would I mean or get
the breakout you don’t have to be early I’ve been early way too many times and when I’m early I’m usually early I’m
wrong yeah so I mean this site was great for me and this is totally I don’t know
if your listeners do a lot of CR cry to but um I was looking at my stats earlier and I mean this site helped me time um
getting into crypto and I mean a third of my crypto gains are over 45% this
year and I got in I got in in late February um sold in March got back in in
April rode it up through the middle of July and you know you never catch the exact top or bottoms but I mean looking
at my stats I had a 68% win percentage with anything crypto related so yeah that’s fantastic
um again it’s it’s about finding the right entries and being smart with your stops or how you use your trailing stops
um and just you know I’m not a big fan of options I don’t I don’t love using
leverage like I I really try to keep things simple and you know I’m happy if I can make five eight 10% on a trade and
then I roll that into the next thing and you know I just keep trying to you know grinds grind higher um over the years
yep okay you got uranium here yeah really not great looking chart
bearish across the board um it’s trying to base at 25 so if you see 25.5 has a
four 25.06 has a two so it’s trying to base
but I mean there’s a lot of resistance on that side and uranium kind of scares
me because I feel like that’s a big narrative trade like people will pump it and say oh you know China’s building all
these reactors in the next five years or there’s a huge uranium shortage and it’ll run like crazy and then the bottom
will drop out like yeah it’s I think it’s very tough to trade I’ve I’ve done it over the years but I think I’m
really picky about when I do trade it and I wouldn’t personally I’m not
touching it right now you know my experience been r with uranium is you
buy it when it’s hated number one and then number two even when it’s hated that’s a long-term trade
might be sitting on that for a year or two at least so so I think it’s very
important in uranium to buy I always stick with the best uranium
companies that I consider the best if you would um the other stuff you know I
just I can find pliers and other other um asset classes that I like if you
would yeah yeah all right cool what else you got anything else
um I can pull up anything you want is there anything you want to talk about um not really I um yes I could talk your
ear off but I would say that I just want to make sure that you gave us a lot here
um look give me some feedback what I love is the Simplicity if you would and you’re really giving some great
indicators with the I want to make sure I state right the Confluence yep and that is just basically analysis or just
everything pressed into a number all of the indicators pressed into a number um
I find that very very hopeful um yeah I’m quite the fan so um how do uh how do
people find you Kevin yeah um we’re on Twitter or what X’s if you go stock ta.
and.com uh we don’t have many followers on there the previous owner wasn’t active but I try to tweet out charts
every day I just things I find interesting um stocks I’m in stocks I’m
looking at um you know feel free to visit our website we’re we’re totally
free right now um we do license our API to some institutional clients but I’m
really trying to keep this free for the average person right now because I think
I think a lot of people could use some help and I think this would be a great tool for people have their toolbox whether they’re trading options or just
regular trading like I’m doing um you know I know some some of my friends use this to go long and short um with a
three-month-old I haven’t shorted anything right now because just much can risk with it yeah it’s too much
risk but I think it’s um you know I think the site has a lot of utility and
you know I hope people like it and we’ll check it out and give us a chance yeah absolutely and again I love that you’re
doing this for the uh the people like myself so I I really want to thank you to all of the listeners I will put
everything in the show show notes and Kevin can be found at stockta.com and
get again what is your TW T handle uh yep it’s it’s stockta.com and we spell out. do um and then at the bottom of the
site um if you click here you can contact us and we got an it goes right to my email
and you know we check our emails every day and try to respond to people as quickly as they can yeah you’re very
responsive Kevin I want to thank you so much um I’m a big fan I’d love to have you on again here soon yeah it’ be great
thank you so much all right appreciate it take care see you